- Depuis 2017: Professeur, Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France
- Depuis 2016: Professeur « Chargé de Cours », Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
- Sept. 2011 – Sept. 2012: Séjour sabbatique à l’Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Inde, Network Lab, ECE, chez le Prof. Anurag Kumar
- 2005 – 2017: Maître de Conférence, Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France
- 2004 – 2005: Ingénieur, Alcatel-Lucent, Vélizy, France
- 2000 – 2004: Ingénieur de recherche, Alcatel-Lucent, Marcoussis, France
- 2015 : Qualification Professeur – sections 27 et 61
- 2014 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches – Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Title : “Radio Engineering of Wireless Networks – Dimensionning,
Performance Evaluation and Algorithm Design”.
Disponible ici: in English, en Français
Mérouane DEBBAH (Prof., Supélec)
Jean-Marie GORCE (Prof., INSA de Lyon)
Jean WALRAND (Prof., Berkeley, USA)
Eitan ALTMAN (Prof., INRIA)
Tijani CHAHED (Prof., Telecom SudParis)
Philippe GODLEWSKI (Prof., Telecom ParisTech)
Anurag KUMAR (Prof., Indian Institute of Science, Inde)
Guy PUJOLLE (Prof., UPMC) - 2010: Qualification Maître de Conférence – sections 27 et 61
- 2004: Doctorat (Très Honorable), Institut Eurecom, Sophia-Antipolis, France
Titre : “Distributed MAC Protocols for Heavily Loaded Ad hoc Networks”.
Direction: Prof. Christian Bonnet, Institut Eurecom, Sophia Antipolis.
Effectuée au laboratoire de recherche d’Alcatel-Lucent, Marcoussis.
Disponible ici: http://perso.telecom-paristech.fr/~coupecho/publis/thesis.pdf.
Mario Gerla (Prof., UCLA, USA).
Xavier Lagrange (Prof., Télécom Bretagne).
Jean-Claude Belfiore (Prof., Télécom ParisTech).
Bruno Baynat (MdC, UPMC).
Vinod Kumar (Ing., Alcatel-Lucent). - 2000: Dipl.-Ing, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart
Studienarbeit (3 mois): “Inter-Symbol Interference in the DAB System (Digital Audio Broadcasting)”.
Diplomarbeit (8 mois): “Comparison of two diversity techniques: space-time coding and maximum ratio combining” (Direction: Prof. Paul Kuehn et Dr. Volker Braun). Prix du meilleur Diplomarbeit de l’Université de Stuttgart. - 1999: Diplôme d’ingénieur, ENST (Télécom ParisTech), Paris, France
Dominantes : Communications numériques, Traitement du signal, Réseaux. - 1998: Maîtrise de Mathématiques fondamentales (AB), Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), Paris, France
- 1993 – 1996: Classes préparatoires, Lycée Henri IV, Paris, France
- 1993: Baccalauréat C (TB), Lycée Descartes, Antony, France
Organisation de conférences
General Co-Chair
WiOpt 2017, Paris, France
GAMENETS 2019, Paris, France
TPC Co-Chair
GAMENETS 2018, Seoul, Korea
Membre du comité de programme (TPC member)
- IEEE Globecom 2011 – IWM2MC (Intl. Workshop on Machine to Machine Communications), Houston, USA, Dec. 2011.
Future Network and Mobile Summit 2011 – European Workshop on Broadband Femto cell Networks, Warsaw, Poland, June 2011. - IEEE ICCCN 2011 – FlexBWAN, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 2011.
- IEEE IWCRN 2012 – Intl. Workshop on Cognitive Radio Networks, Tangier, Morocco, 10-12 May 2012.
- IEEE WCNC Workshop on Hybrid Optical-Wireless Access Networks, Paris, France, 1st Apr. 2012.
- IEEE Globecom 2012 – IWM2MC (Intl. Workshop on Machine to Machine Communications), Anaheim, USA, Dec. 2012.
- IEEE ICC 2013 – Wireless Communications Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
- IEEE WiOpt 2013 – Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Tsukbua Science City, Japan, May 2013.
- IEEE RAWNET 2013 – International Workshop on Resource Allocation, Cooperation and Competition in Wireless Networks, in conjunction with WiOpt 2013.
- IEEE PIMRC 2013 – Fundamental and PHY Track, London, UK, Sept. 2013.
- IEEE WiCOM 2013 – Intl. Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Beijing, China, Sept. 2013.
- IEEE ICC 2014 – Wireless Communications Symposium, Sidney, Australia, June 2014.
- IEEE ICCVE 2013 – Intl. Conf. on Connected Vehicles and Expo, Las Vegas, Dec. 2013.
- IEEE WiOpt 2014 – Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2014.
- IEEE RAWNET 2014 – International Workshop on Resource Allocation, Cooperation and Competition in Wireless Networks, in conjunction with WiOpt 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2014.
- IEEE WNC3 2014 – International Workshop on Wireless Networks: Communication, Cooperation, Competition, in conjunction with WiOpt 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2014.
- IEEE SPCOM 2014 – International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, Bangalore, India, July 2014.
- ITS 2014 – International Telecommunications Symposium, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Aug. 2014.
- ICC 2015 – Wireless Communications Symposium, London, UK, June 2015
- IEEE RAWNET 2015 – International Workshop on Resource Allocation, Cooperation and Competition in Wireless Networks, in conjunction with WiOpt 2015, Mumbai, India, May 2015.
- CFIP & NOTERE 2015 – Colloque francophone sur l’ingénierie des protocoles & Nouvelles technologies de la répartition, Paris, Juillet 2015.
- IEEE Globecom 2015 – Wireless Communications Symposium, San Diego, USA, Dec. 2015.
- IEEE WINCOM 2015 – International Conf. on Wirless Networks and Communications, Marrakech, Morocoo, Oct. 2015.
- IEEE PIMRC 2015 – Fundamental and PHY Track, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 2015.
- IEEE ICCVE 2015 – Intl. Conf. on Connected Vehicles and Expo, Shenzhen, China, Oct. 2015.
- IEEE ICC 2016 – Wireless Communications Symposium, London, Kuala Lumpur, Malysia, May 2016.
- IEEE SPCOM 2016 – International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, Bangalore, India, June 2016.
- IEEE Globecom 2016 – Wireless Communications Symposium, Washington DC, USA, Dec. 2016.
- IEEE ICC 2017 – Wireless Communications Symposium, Paris, France, May 2017.
- IEEE Globecom 2017 – Wireless Communications Symposium and Mobile and Wireless Networks Symposium, Singapore, Dec. 2017.
- IEEE WINCOM 2017 – International Conf. on Wireless Networks and Communications, Rabbat, Morocoo, Nov. 2017.
- IEEE ITSC 2017 – International Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Japan, Oct. 2017.
- EAI GAMENETS 2017 – International Conf. on Game Theory for Networks, US, May 2017.
- IEEE ICC 2018 – Wireless Communications Symposium, Kansas City, US, May 2018.
- IEEE Globecom 2018 – Wireless Networks Symposium, UAE, Dec 2018.
- IEEE WINCOM 2018 – International Conf. on Wirless Networks and Communications, Marrakech, Morocoo, Oct. 2018.
- NetGCoop 2018 – International Conference on Network Games, Control and Optimisation, New York, US, Nov. 2018.
- IEEE ICC 2019 – Wireless Communications Symposium, Shanghai, China, May 2019.
- IEEE Globecom 2019 — Wireless Networks Symposium, Hawaï, US, Dec. 2019.
- IEEE WiOpt 2019 – Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Avignon, France, May 2019.
- IEEE NCC 2019 – National Conference on Communications, Bangalore, Feb. 2019.
- IEEE ICC 2020 – Wireless Communications Symposium, June 2020.
- IEEE Globecom 2020 – Wireless Networks Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2020.
- IEEE WiOpt 2021 – Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Philadelphia, US, Oct. 2021.
- Journals: IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, IEEE JSAC, IEEE Communication letters, PEVA, IEEE Signal Processing letter, Springer Annals of Telecommunications
- Books: Cambridge University Press
- Expert: ANR, FNRS, CEFIPRA, ERC Consolidator, CEA Eurotalents
Éditeur invité
Applications of Cognitive Radio Networks: Recent Advances and Future Directions in International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
- Membre du jury 2018: « Prix Chaire RTE-CentraleSupélec : Énergie et Numérique ».
- Auditionné au Sénat par l’OPECST (Office Parlementaire des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques (8 nov. 2018) : « Perspectives et enjeux technologiques du développement de la 5G » [programme]
- Since 2017: Professor, Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France
- Since 2016: Professor “chargé de cours”, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
- Sept. 2011 – Sept. 2012: Visiting Scientist at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, Network Lab, ECE, with Prof. Anurag Kumar
- Dec. 2005 – 2017: Associate Professor, Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France
- Jul. 2004 – Dec. 2005: Engineer, Alcatel-Lucent, Cellular network dimensioning, Vélizy, France
- Apr. 2000 – June 2004: Research Engineer, Alcatel-Lucent, Research and Innovation, Marcoussis, France
- Aug. 1999 – Mar. 2000: Master thesis, Alcatel-Lucent SEL, Research and Innovation, Stuttgart, Germany
- 2015 : Qualification Professeur – sections 27 and 61
- 2014 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches – Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Title : “Radio Engineering of Wireless Networks – Dimensionning,
Performance Evaluation and Algorithm Design”.
Available here: in English, in French
Mérouane DEBBAH (Prof., Supélec)
Jean-Marie GORCE (Prof., INSA de Lyon)
Jean WALRAND (Prof., Berkeley, USA)
Eitan ALTMAN (Prof., INRIA)
Tijani CHAHED (Prof., Telecom SudParis)
Philippe GODLEWSKI (Prof., Telecom ParisTech)
Anurag KUMAR (Prof., Indian Institute of Science, Inde)
Guy PUJOLLE (Prof., UPMC) - 2010: Qualification Maître de Conférence – sections 27 and 61
- 2004: Ph.D. (Très Honorable), Institut Eurecom, Sophia-Antipolis, France
Title : “Distributed MAC Protocols for Heavily Loaded Ad hoc Networks”.
Under the direction of Prof. Christian Bonnet, Institut Eurecom, Sophia Antipolis.
Done in the research lab of Alcatel-Lucent, Marcoussis.
Available here: http://perso.telecom-paristech.fr/~coupecho/publis/thesis.pdf.
Mario Gerla (Prof., UCLA, USA).
Xavier Lagrange (Prof., Télécom Bretagne).
Jean-Claude Belfiore (Prof., Télécom ParisTech).
Bruno Baynat (Associate Prof., UPMC).
Vinod Kumar (Eng., Alcatel-Lucent). - 2000: Dipl.-Ing, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Studienarbeit (3 months): “Inter-Symbol Interference in the DAB System (Digital Audio Broadcasting)”.
Diplomarbeit (8 months): “Comparison of two diversity techniques: space-time coding and maximum ratio combining” (under the direction of Prof. Paul Kuehn and Dr. Volker Braun). Best Diplomarbeit of the University of Stuttgart. - 1999: Engineer degree, ENST (Télécom ParisTech), Paris, France
Dominantes : Communications numériques, Traitement du signal, Réseaux. - 1998: Maîtrise de Mathématiques fondamentales (AB), Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), Paris, France
- 1993 – 1996: Classes préparatoires, Lycée Henri IV, Paris, France
- 1993: Baccalauréat C (TB), Lycée Descartes, Antony, France
Conference Organization
General Co-Chair
WiOpt 2017, Paris, France
GAMENETS 2019, Paris, France
TPC Co-Chair
GAMENETS 2018, Seoul, Korea
TPC Member
- IEEE Globecom 2011 – IWM2MC (Intl. Workshop on Machine to Machine Communications), Houston, USA, Dec. 2011.
Future Network and Mobile Summit 2011 – European Workshop on Broadband Femto cell Networks, Warsaw, Poland, June 2011. - IEEE ICCCN 2011 – FlexBWAN, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 2011.
- IEEE IWCRN 2012 – Intl. Workshop on Cognitive Radio Networks, Tangier, Morocco, 10-12 May 2012.
- IEEE WCNC Workshop on Hybrid Optical-Wireless Access Networks, Paris, France, 1st Apr. 2012.
- IEEE Globecom 2012 – IWM2MC (Intl. Workshop on Machine to Machine Communications), Anaheim, USA, Dec. 2012.
- IEEE ICC 2013 – Wireless Communications Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
- IEEE WiOpt 2013 – Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Tsukbua Science City, Japan, May 2013.
- IEEE RAWNET 2013 – International Workshop on Resource Allocation, Cooperation and Competition in Wireless Networks, in conjunction with WiOpt 2013.
- IEEE PIMRC 2013 – Fundamental and PHY Track, London, UK, Sept. 2013.
- IEEE WiCOM 2013 – Intl. Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Beijing, China, Sept. 2013.
- IEEE ICC 2014 – Wireless Communications Symposium, Sidney, Australia, June 2014.
- IEEE ICCVE 2013 – Intl. Conf. on Connected Vehicles and Expo, Las Vegas, Dec. 2013.
- IEEE WiOpt 2014 – Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2014.
- IEEE RAWNET 2014 – International Workshop on Resource Allocation, Cooperation and Competition in Wireless Networks, in conjunction with WiOpt 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2014.
- IEEE WNC3 2014 – International Workshop on Wireless Networks: Communication, Cooperation, Competition, in conjunction with WiOpt 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2014.
- IEEE SPCOM 2014 – International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, Bangalore, India, July 2014.
- ITS 2014 – International Telecommunications Symposium, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Aug. 2014.
- ICC 2015 – Wireless Communications Symposium, London, UK, June 2015
- IEEE RAWNET 2015 – International Workshop on Resource Allocation, Cooperation and Competition in Wireless Networks, in conjunction with WiOpt 2015, Mumbai, India, May 2015.
- CFIP & NOTERE 2015 – Colloque francophone sur l’ingénierie des protocoles & Nouvelles technologies de la répartition, Paris, Juillet 2015.
- IEEE Globecom 2015 – Wireless Communications Symposium, San Diego, USA, Dec. 2015.
- IEEE WINCOM 2015 – International Conf. on Wirless Networks and Communications, Marrakech, Morocoo, Oct. 2015.
- IEEE PIMRC 2015 – Fundamental and PHY Track, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 2015.
- IEEE ICCVE 2015 – Intl. Conf. on Connected Vehicles and Expo, Shenzhen, China, Oct. 2015.
- IEEE ICC 2016 – Wireless Communications Symposium, London, Kuala Lumpur, Malysia, May 2016.
- IEEE SPCOM 2016 – International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, Bangalore, India, June 2016.
- IEEE Globecom 2016 – Wireless Communications Symposium, Washington DC, USA, Dec. 2016.
- IEEE ICC 2017 – Wireless Communications Symposium, Paris, France, May 2017.
- IEEE Globecom 2017 – Wireless Communications Symposium and Mobile and Wireless Networks Symposium, Singapore, Dec. 2017.
- IEEE WINCOM 2017 – International Conf. on Wireless Networks and Communications, Rabbat, Morocoo, Nov. 2017.
- IEEE ITSC 2017 – International Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Japan, Oct. 2017.
- EAI GAMENETS 2017 – International Conf. on Game Theory for Networks, US, May 2017.
- IEEE ICC 2018 – Wireless Communications Symposium, Kansas City, US, May 2018.
- IEEE Globecom 2018 – Wireless Networks Symposium, UAE, Dec 2018.
- IEEE WINCOM 2018 – International Conf. on Wirless Networks and Communications, Marrakech, Morocoo, Oct. 2018.
- NetGCoop 2018 – International Conference on Network Games, Control and Optimisation, New York, US, Nov. 2018.
- IEEE ICC 2019 – Wireless Communications Symposium, Shanghai, China, May 2019.
- IEEE Globecom 2019 — Wireless Networks Symposium, Hawaï, US, Dec. 2019.
- IEEE WiOpt 2019 – Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Avignon, France, May 2019.
- IEEE NCC 2019 – National Conference on Communications, Bangalore, Feb. 2019.
- IEEE ICC 2020 – Wireless Communications Symposium, June 2020.
- IEEE Globecom 2020 – Wireless Networks Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2020.
- IEEE WiOpt 2021 – Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Philadelphia, US, Oct. 2021.
- Journals: IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, IEEE JSAC, IEEE Communication letters, PEVA, IEEE Signal Processing letter, Springer Annals of Telecommunications
- Books: Cambridge University Press
- Expert: ANR, FNRS, CEFIPRA, ERC Consolidator, CEA Eurotalents
Guest Editor
Applications of Cognitive Radio Networks: Recent Advances and Future Directions in International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
- Jury member 2018: « Prix Chaire RTE-CentraleSupélec Énergie et Numérique ».
- Presentation at the french Parliament (8 nov. 2018) : « 5G Development: Technological Perspectives and Challenges » [program]